Hello lovelies! I am super excited to feature an amazing handbag designer today: Heather the owner and designer of The Blue Stitch. I was over-the-moon when Heather contacted me to design a custom handbag. She asked me a few questions to get a feel for what kind of handbag I wanted, what colors I like, what era is my favorite for fashion, etc. She used all of the info she gathered from me and gave a few suggestions. She was open to me tweaking ideas and making the handbag very "me".
We went with a 1920's glam theme for this clutch. I adore red for accessories and when she asked if I would like feather trim, I was like "Yes, please!" It's such a statement bag and it will look amazing with anything from jeans to a LBD.
Look at it! Isn't it gorgeous?
It was windy out so it was hard to keep the feathers from blowing around.
I have a HUGE wallet and I just grabbed a few other things that I would typically carry.
Everything fit with ease and I could have put a bunch more stuff in there.
She even put pockets in there for convenience!
I asked Heather a few questions. These are her responses. :)
1. How did you get started making handbags?
started by using patterns but felt they were restrictive to me. It
didn't take me long before I started tweaking patterns until I really
wasn't using one at all.
2. Why did you decide you wanted
to work with clients doing customization rather than designing a bunch
of ready-to-sell handbags?
believe everyone to be unique and important. Who doesn't love to feel
special and appreciated?! Right! LOL! This is just one way that I can
hopefully bless another woman's life to achieve that. I will make my own
line (I certainly have some ideas) but for now I'm thrilled to
be partnering with others!
3. What is your favorite fashion era for handbags and why?
love vintage...40's and glam! You and I worked well together! I do
enjoy the chic-ness that era provides. It makes me really feel like a
lady and very classy.
4. In your opinion, what is the one type of bag every woman should own?
She should own what suits her life best and her style. That's why I've created The Blue Stitch.
5. You really were amazing to work with. Where can everyone contact
you to get started on getting their own fabulous custom bag made by
THANKS! You can send me an email Heather@TheBlueStitch.com or
contact me via my Facebook Fan Page. They should also be on the look
out for my website with a design center...YEAH! (To be launched SOON)
Heather has graciously offered for you to win your very own customized Kassi Clutch!
The bag style will be the same, but you will get to choose your own colors and trim!
Here is how you enter:
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"Like" The Closet Intervention on
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Please comment with how you've entered.
Good luck everyone!