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Links À La Mode: The IFB Weekly Roundup January 19, 2012 on Independent Fashion Bloggers

Style Inspiration on Stilettos Diary

1 comment:

  1. Kassi,
    I really enjoy reading your blogs :) They always put a smile on face! Have you ever thought about doing "Dear Abby" but "Dear Kassi"...food for thought :)

    As always...put a smile on your face...make the world a betta place.. :) *i hope you sing it as you read it! haha*

    Kelsey Puckett


Thank you so much for stopping by! Your comments always make me giddy like a school girl on a sugar high. Leave your link so I can creep on you. The good kind of creeping. Not the kind where I hang your pictures in my room or anything. (awkward shuffle)

Fashionably yours,


Pronounced KC (like the Sunshine Band)